ERROR! Cannot allocate memory for HTTP Post Request (AddData). ERROR! Cannot allocate memory for HTTP Request (2). Bad URL reference received from: %s ERROR: DoGetCommand was passed a null stream pointer! Warning: Client sent malformed URL for a directory. Returning error msg. Warning: the following HTTP header line is too long! ERROR: trying to parse args from null request ERROR! Search argument in URL is too long! ERROR! Path argument in URL is too long! ERROR! File name in URL is too long! WARNING! This beta version of WebSTAR expires %d/%d/%d. %s %s Server is running on port %d. Unknown AppleEvent received. It will be discarded. WebSTAR is Out of Memory!!! Error allocating memory for ACGI execution results Error getting AppleEvent Reply string from ACGI app (%s) Getting ACGI reply string from HandleReply AppleEvent return ID %d received DUsr realm arg DUsr user arg AUsr realm arg AUsr password arg AUsr user arg WebSTAR is quitting!